Setting up a new company to buy bitcoin

Today: a story that exemplifies the mainstream attention bitcoin and cryptocurrency is now receiving

Here’s how it goes:

  • ~ Founders of an asset management company start buying bitcoin
  • ~ Clients notice, want to get into it as well ~ This gets to a point where they have to satisfy auditors and regulators
  • ~ So they end up “building execution and custody tools from scratch and kicking off an entirely new line of revenue”
  • ~ That gets spun into a whole new company

That company, New York Digital Investment Group (NYDIG) has now raised, independently, $100 million and manages custody of over 10,000 bitcoin for just its parent company – the asset manager. Its overall custody holdings are much larger.

This is in keeping with a trend we have explored in some recent posts – corporations and institutions increasingly parking their reserves in cryptocurrency. Turns out one company built a business around it & spun it off – three years ago!

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